Problems and challenges are inevitable! And life without problems and challenges is quite boring. A good problem or challenge helps you to get better, improve and develop your self. This is true not only for you but also for your child, because creativity is the ability to produce original and unusual ideas, or to make something new or imaginative.

Do you remember how you got your first piggy bank and you tried to sneak money out of it?

How you did it? You used a paper clip, sticky tape, a butter knife, smashed it or some more creative?

Creativity within your Child

Your child has creative potential from birth. They love challenges, are curious, are ready to discover the world. There are cabinets and drawers that want to be discovered, leaves and hand cream want to be tasted, dolls and cars that want to be taken apart and so much more. Your child want to know how every thing in the world is working. When they come to pre school they never stop asking. Asking Why? Why this? Why that? This can go on for hours. Have you ever tried to ask back why they are asking? Or return the question and look for an possible answer or question together. You will be surprised and helps your child in a positive development of their curiosity.

Children going to an indoor toy park that not always supports creative ideas are making toys from nearly everything. They can spend hours with a blanket and two chairs creating their own house. drawing pictures on the floor using what ever is in their reach. In our todays society looking for grates and certificates their thirst in researching and discovering is inhibited.

Creativity is in everybody, you, me, our children. Sometime it is hidden and waiting to awaken the giant within. You can awaken the giant over encouragement, materials and joint ventures, suggestions, guiding impulses. Your child need you a supportive adult and an appropriate framework.

A creative child is also a sensitive child. Experimenting with scissors to feel that it can cut and scratch. Painting finger-coloured and playing with slime and mud sometimes need to overcome disgust. Playing at the beach with water and sand not only gives access to different materials and associations, because it also sharpens feelings.

Here are 10 secrets to raise a creative child:

  1. Readering
    Make your child a reader, start with sensitivity books, move over to hidden objects and picture books. Read together a good night story and ask questions or let your child search for objects. Reading is exposing your child to new information and expands it’s intellectual horizon. Support raising passion and when they want to create.
  2. Arts , literature and music
    The creative work of other people is another way to bring creativity closer to your child. Creative work in art, literature and music will inspire your child to follow that path because children soak up new things like a sponge.
  3. Embolden manifold interests
    Let your child explore new and different interested, as long it will not harm. Touch base get involved in the interests in an interested and open-minded way. It does not always mean to buy your child things that are related to his interest to ignite and stimulate an interest. You can also use your own creativity for a walk around.
  4. Have DIY materials and tools on hand
    DIY materials like coloured paper, origami paper, water color, all purpose color, crayons, glue, wallpaper paste, glitter, scissors, old cardboard boxes, toilet paper rolls, old newspaper and more.
  5. A place to be creative
    Creativity sometimes can be messy and sometimes it requires a quite place with limit distraction and disruption that would rob time from your child to think, reflect and imagine. Distractions could be video games, a running TV or someone close by busy with the mobile phone.
  6. Free playing
    Let your child play with toys that encourage the imagination like roll plays, blocks, dolls, fluffy toys or a ball.
  7. A time to get bored
    Take your child on a walk in a park or go out in the nature.This gives hime time and moments for reflection, follow daydreams, using his imagination, follow ideas in his mind. And be creative to make something happen for him self.
  8. Expand your childs horizon
    Children soak everything up, so they need a lot of materials as input that their imagination can turn into something. How to do it? Go to new places, do new or different things. But be cautious don’t force them into something you know they will hate, give them an option. Exploring should be enjoyable and fun.
  9. Different way of thinking
    When have you asked you child “Imagine, what would happen if…”, “What is a better way to do…” or “How can you do…”. Don’t forget to respect and encourage the response of your child. And as wilder and more crazy an idea is as more creativity your child is using.
  10. Rewarding
    When was the last time you bought your child’s painting or you bartered a story for an ice cream?

By doing some or all of these you infuse habits of creative thinking in your child. Which he will take on his way from childhood over adolescence to adulthood.

Leave me a comment how you sneaked the first money out of your piggy bank.